KPI Suites

Key Performance Indicators, or KPIs, are critical tools for any organization. When set correctly, KPIs not only help teams measure success, but also enable them to identify areas of improvement and adhere to their strategic and operational priorities.

It is tempting, when enthusiastically setting KPIs, to measure everything under the sun. We want to be data-driven, right? Every industry and function has lists of dozens of metrics your organization could be measuring.

However, every metric requires effort to measure, monitor, and respond to. The more metrics you have, the more likely you are to miss an important signal buried within all the noise. Even worse, your reports may become so overwhelming that people stop reading them entirely. A well-defined KPI suite has just enough information to keep an organization on track - providing early warning when course correction is needed - and no more.

KPIs must be measurable, actionable, important, timely, and concise. That’s much easier said than done.

Little Data Solutions is experienced in helping teams identify, define, and measure their most important KPIs so that they can quickly and confidently take the next best action.


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